
Refreshing iframe
Refreshing iframe

refreshing iframe refreshing iframe

But the iframe isn't updated unless i explicitly right-click inside the frame and manually select refresh. It does get the latest data from the external site and its saved in 'somepage.html'. the data every time the web page is opened, you can set a refresh option.

#Refreshing iframe code

The best way I found until now was set the iframes src attribute to itself, but this isnt very clean. Force an Iframe to Reload CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks iframes Code Snippets jQuery Code Snippets Force an Iframe to Reload Chris Coyier on (Updated on ) You can touch the src of it: ('iframe').attr ('src', ('iframe'). My problem is that when i refresh the main page, i want the iframe to also display the latest data. Technically, the app is hosted within an iframe element that is embedded on.

Also doesn't require so much ugly browser ID string parsing, and doesn't exclude perfectly capable browsers of which you know nothing about. I would like to reload an